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    Legislation and Ethics in Travel and Tourism Sector

    University: N/A

    • Unit No: 8
    • Level: Undergraduate/College
    • Pages: 15 / Words 3734
    • Paper Type: Assignment
    • Course Code: SIT50116
    • Downloads: 1120
    Question :

    This assessment will cover following questions :

    • Understand the legal and regulatory framework in the travel and tourism sector
    • Understand legislation and regulations relating to health, safety and security in the travel and tourism sector
    • Understand consumer protection legislation in relation to the TUI group.
    • Understand the role of business ethics in the travel and tourism sector.
    Answer :


    Travel and tourism sectors are one of the most demanding and earning sectors in world and also engaged in managing the economy of the country. In respect of attaining the business in tourism sectors various factors are to be undertaken in context of attaining the interest of the customer towards the innovative services for longer time period. Various laws are imposed in respect of smooth running of business and also securing the right of the people if they prefer to travel through engaging their interest in travel and tourism sectors (Tourism Industry, 2019). Present report is based upon TUI group which was founded in 1923 having headquarter in Germany. TUI is considered to be one of the largest travels and tourism sectors carrying wider ranges of services such as engaged in their hotels, carry travel agencies, deals in airlines or also engaged in retail stores. Due to carrying the renowned brand image in market, they earned the revenue of €19,523.9 million and also engaged with around 70,000 employees carrying the business at large scale.

    Report will include the legal and regulatory framework which is applied in the travel and tourism sectors. It also includes various aspects which is relating to examining the impact of health, safety and security in tourism sectors. Further the report includes the legislation which is imposed in respect of protecting the right of consumer. Lastly the report ends up with determining the role of the business ethics in respect of managing the integrity of the tourism sectors. 

    TASK 1


    In respect of applying the legal rules and norms in respect of engaging in smooth running of business, various laws are applied so that they can undertake any activity by keeping the laws in mind. As the duty of the travel agencies is to provide accurate detail regarding the travelling sectors. So that they can build trust among them and also satisfy the customer needs and demands at larger sale. Usually legislation are imposed in respect of undertaking various factors such as managing the consumer behaviours, examining the travel agencies strategy to provide quality services to customers. The legal laws which are implemented in travel and tourism sectors are relating to:

    Development of tourism act, 1968: In this act, British government carry the authority regarding managing the overall integrity in tourism sectors. In these aspects they also developed the most demanding place which is mainly preferable by the customer in respect of visiting such places.

    Transports act, 1985: In this aspect, the transportation is to be incurred in respect of removal of regulation to the bus or coaches on carrying the free trail bases. Thus, in such manner this motive is initiated by the UK government for protecting the rights of the citizen.

    Thus, regulatory framework is imposed in respect of travel and tourism sectors are as follows:

    Association of British travel Agents: In this association, the expertise advices is to be given to the agents in respect of guiding properly regarding various segment which is majorly preferred by the customers. This agency is founded in 1950 with having the unique authority to manage the travel companies in better way. E.g. This is helpful to TUI group in respect of providing accurate guidance regarding visiting such place which is unique and different from other and also carry various advantages.

    International air transport Association: In this, the safety and security of the people are examined in respect of travelling through air. As various person not prefer to travel through air due to carrying high rates or any the incidents occurs are high. Thus, in such manner safety is the main priority of the airlines to secure the interest of the customer. 

    Health and safety commission, 1974: In this act, health and safety is related to workers working under the companies and carrying their business at large scale. Thus, protection is provided in respect of dealing or working under the hazardous places.

    These three are the major aspects which is the basic needs of the passengers if they are preferring to travel. Passengers are the person who prefer to travel through any of the mode in respect of land, air or ship. Carriage refers to the goods which is carried by the passengers while prefer to travelling through these sources. Usually laws are framed in respect of guiding or determining their rights and liabilities of travel agents which they had to perform in context of providing the Better facility. Thus, in respect of imposing laws relating to managing the travel and tourism in better way, various acts are to be imposed in respect of dealing in certain circumstances such as:


    Surface law: In these aspects, the international carriage of passenger by Road act, 1979 are imposed which regulates or control the activities which is undertaken for passengers. Thus, in such manner the laws are imposed so that rights of the passengers are protected and also carry the right to travel freely. In context of facing any issue in respect of losing the luggage or causes any harm during the travelling, than their rights are secured under the international road act.

    Sea law: The rights of the people are protected under the International Maritime Organisation in which rights of the people are secured in context of travelling through sea. As if any of the variation or natural calamity occurs in sea and thus faces any damage in relation to the harming body or loss of luggage, then they get compensation for any loss incurred during travelling through sea.


    Air law: In these aspects, it carries various types of legislation in which the passengers which prefer to travel through air are undertaken. Their rights are secured and also various protection is given in respect of facing any injuries at the time of travelling.




    TASK 2

    2.1 Impact of health, safety and security on travel and tourism sectors

    In travel and tourism sectors, the major rights which they carried are in respect of protecting the right of the customer in respect of securing the health issue or also taking care of their interest in respect of travelling through any of the mode. Thus, in such manner, the legislation is imposed in respect of maintaining the close relationship between the employer and employee who are working under the TUI group to manage the overall activity of the company (Holden, 2016). Thus, in respect of managing their health issue they are to be undertaken in respect of applying the health and safety commission at work place so that they can motivate the staff to bring more productive results.

    Thus, in context of Health and safety at work place, carries various rules and regulation which is to be imposed in respect of protecting the rights of staff (Vico, 2018). This law is mainly imposed in respect of guiding the staff to follow the rules and regulation of the superiors. In respect of not maintaining ethical behaviours in premises, there are three option available in respect of undertaking their law in right manner such as:

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    Guidance: In this aspects, health and safety commission are giving the opportunity to the staff to guide the people in right way. So that they can manage the interest at work place and also feel secured in context of their job (Christian, 2017). As the major issue arises in respect of not protecting their right of the individual at work place and also not engaging their activities for better results.

    Codes of practices: In respect of applying the code of practices at work places, these are imposed in respect of securing the rights of the employees at work place. This is undertaken in respect of providing accurate equipment to the employees when they are working at hazardous places or also carrying proper insurance or policies in respect of facing any issue in attaining the task in right manner (Tepelus, 2019). This imposed duties to the employer in respect of attaining their duty in right manner and also securing the rights of the employee when they are accomplishing the task for providing better results.

    In context of carrying the regulation at work premises, it is to be undertaken in relation to taking proper care of the employees by providing the accurate lighting facility or also basic amenities to satisfy their needs and wants in better way (Seal, 2018). As security is one of the major issues which is majorly affecting the right of the employees as they mainly feel that they can lose the job on any time and thus resulting in not concentrating on particular task. Thus, in such manner various rules and regulation are imposed in respect of smooth running of business. In case of TUI group, they are carrying various business and thus engaged with large number of employees carrying such business (Papatheodorou, 2016). Thus, in such manner job security is the major aspects at work place.

    Under health and safety at work place act, 1974, it is the duty of the employee to allot proper equipment to employees if they are working at hazardous places. As health is the important aspects which enhances the employee interest at work place for longer time period. Also, workers carry their own duty in respect of taking care while working at the hazardous places (Lazarević, Dragin and Mijatov, 2019). Thus, in such aspects they are undertaking strict action in respect of wearing the proper equipment during working at hazardous places.

    In respect of following the Occupiers liability Act, 1957 they carry the liability in respect of trespassing. In this manner they imposed strict action against any person which commit any such activity in respect of trespassing or violating any of the norms in respect of visiting the property which is not allowed to any employees. Thus, in such respect proper authority is to be assigned so that rights of the employee are protected in respect of visiting to such places (Runte, 2019). In this act, they not allow any of the employer to impose any of the liability in respect of compensating any such losses for the damages incurred. As owner will not liable to pay any looses to the trespasser.

    In respect of undertaking the matter related to security, it is examined in respect of carrying the General Data protection Regulation act, 2018. This act is mainly imposed in respect of securing the rights of the individuals through applying more obligation to secure the personal data and information. As under this act, it is the major right of the employer to protect the data of the company in case of dealing the business online (Horng, Hsu and Tsai, 2017). As it is necessary to do so that, company carry the major information regarding their working or reaching to different customer through online. Thus, these aspects are important in respect of securing the company information for longer term growth. In travelling business, most of the companies share their accurate information and other customer experiences after pertaining the particular packages, thus in such manner their information are secured or not disclosed without their permission.

    2.2 Determining the aspects relating to equality

    In respect of following the right which is examined under the equality law as every person are equal under the eyes of the company and also the treatment is to be done equally (Hall, Gössling and Scott, 2015). Thus, in respect of applying the Employment protection act, 1978 the right if the employees are protected in the organisation and thus, they had given power to take their own decision which is not against the integrity of the organisation.

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    TUI group is treating tehri employees equally and also engaged with dealing in business which results in gaining major profits. As in respect of sex discrimination act, 1975 there is no discrimination between the employees as every employee are treated equally.  Usually at work premises, the discrimination is undertaken in respect of male or female as female are given less priority in comparison to male (Šuleić, Dragin and Dragićević, 2015). Thus, in aspect of Race discrimination act, 1976, this is usually occurring in respect of giving someone priority to someone who is more capable to undertake the task. Thus, in such aspects the equality law is imposed in respect of giving everyone the same priority as they are assets of the TUI group.

    TASK 3


    Contract Legislations

    Contract can be defined as legal relationship among more than two parties for products or services for consideration which are enforceable by law. There is a binding contract between every travel company and its clients setting out specifications about payment and its services. For each travelling company there are certain terms & conditions associated with it, like destination places, departure and arrivals durations and accommodation costs. Over failure of communications for specific conditions, contract may be withdrawn by consumers at any time. Below given are standard component relevant to contract (Smits, 2017).


    Offer- Offer refers to statement inviting acceptance from the offeree. Offer is made by offerer to offeree. It requires more than 2 parties to be present and conditions for accepting the offer. Example – Stay at hotel.

    Acceptance- At this stage offeree shows the readiness for accepting the offer that is been made. In contract of holiday, after the long discussion with travelling agent it was accepted by client.

    Consideration -For validating the contract it is essential to have reasonable consideration for completing the acceptance. Any contract without consideration is not binding and it would be just amount to an agreement.  Charges of travel agent for the holiday contract could be treated as considerations.


    Capacity- Capacity of parties for entering into legal contract. Law defined capacity as person should be of sound mind, majority age and the intention free from duress. In holiday contracts, declaring that consumer is above the age of 18 could be regarded as an essential aspect (Campbell, 2019).

    Certainty- Rules & terms of contract are required to be common and clear to both parties otherwise contracts will not be considered valid. Like the are miscommunications regarding preferences for stay at hotel. 


    Consumer Protection

    Aim of consumer legislation is to protect rights & interests of consumers. Legislations are established so that consumer are not violated by travel agents and business organisations. Trade Description Act, 1968 prohibit misleading and false price indicators of goods or services, accommodation and related services.


    Responsibility of officers of Trading Standards are set out by Brotherton, 2008 for checking the following

    • Applying false trade descriptions by provider.
    • Offer for supply or supply to those fake trading descriptions have been implied.
    • False statements related to provisions of facilities, services or accommodations.

    Consumer Protection Act, 1987 has laid down right of consumers and duty of providing party. Manufacturers have the legal responsibility of mentioning all relevant information in relation with products as indicated by health & safety laws of country. It establishes provisions for issues related to unfair business practices, frauds and products liabilities. Regulation aids in:

    Abolishing the supply sub standards goods

    • ·Establishing product liability
    • ·Establishing legal authorities
    • ·Prohibiting unlawful price indications

    From Unfair Trading Regulations, 2008 all the legislations mentioned above been merged in one legislation known as Consumer Protection (Willett, 2016).




    TASK 4

    4.1 Ethical dilemmas faced in travel and tourism sectors

    Ethics are examined under the travel and tourism in respect of managing the social and cultural values. In respect of unethical dilemmas which is faced by travel and tourism sectors is relating to not providing the relevant information to the tourist or providing services of bad quality and high pricing. Thus, ethical work is to be done by the travel and tourism sectors in respect of reducing risk in company or retaining the interest in the business for longer way.  As every person belong to different background and also had unique culture which is the duty of the traveller group to take care their needs and wants in better way (Koburtay Syed and Haloub, 2018). Thus, in respect of undertaking the TUI group, the ethics are to be maintained in respect of providing such services which are safe, healthy services or provide accurate information regarding the particular place. This is analysed in respect of the customer interest towards the business and also blindly faith in respect of getting the accurate information regarding the place which they choose for travelling (Noor and Wibisono, 2016). In respect of undertaking different sectors which is relevant to accommodating any person or organizing any events or offering any food or beverages or also dealing in transportation facility. Thus, in such manner ethics is to be maintained in respect of providing the accurate services which not violates anyone rights or also securing the status of the company in respect of not dealing in such activity.

    As tourism is one of the most earning sources and thus ethics is to be maintained in respect of providing the fair services to the customer so that they can maintain their interest towards the services for longer time period (Van Hoof and Pennings, 2018). Thus, in such manner, ethical norms and standards to be followed in respect of dealing in tourism sectors.

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    4.2 CSR policy in respect of imposing the tourism sectors

    In respect of undertaking the CSR activity, it is designed to guide employees regarding reducing wastages at work place or also follow the rules and regulation. So, that task is to be accomplished within the stipulated time period. In relation to TUI group, the main aspects through which the CSR policy is imposed through protecting the human rights and also to provide safe and secured polices to the travellers. Through these aspects, the economy of the country is increased and also, they gain major benefits in respect of attracting large number of customers towards the business (Quan and Zhang, 2017). As customer are attracted if they find any such services which is adopted by travel and tourism sectors for enhancing their employee needs at better scale. In context of analysing the CSR policy, it is judged through the customer feedback or reviews after attaining the particular services. Thus, their major polices is also indicted in respect of taking care of the needs of the customer or using the eco friendly services to secure environment or recommend such places to tourist which is mainly demanded by them, or they feel happy to visit to such places. Through this manner the policy is accurately applied to expand the business in different countries or also secure the right of the stakeholders towards the business. This helps in sustaining the business for longer time period.


    From the above study, the report concludes that tourism sectors dealing in wider range of services and thus incurred various facility which is provided to business in respect of maintain the interest of individual towards the business for longer way. TUI group is one of the largest multination companies carrying wider range of business and thus in respect of imposing laws in travel and tourism sectors, it results in examining smooth running of business. In context of undertaking the health, safety and security aspects this is one of the major aspects which is demanded by the employee at the time of working in the organisation. Thus, there are various ways under which the right of the consumer is protected and this can be undertaken in respect of providing the accurate services. At last the ethics is to be maintained at work premises so that the right of the employees and individual are protected. 

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